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"properties": {-
"http://www.phoc.org.cn/pmo/class/Synonym": [- "CareOne Mucus Relief Cold and Sinus",
- "Benylin Extra Strength Cough Plus Cold Relief",
- "Pressure plus Pain plus Mucus Non-Drowsy",
- "Cough & Cold Relief",
- "Wal Tussin Cough and Chest Congestion",
- "Childrens Mucus Relief Expectorant Grape",
- "Balminil DM + Decongestant + Expectorant",
- "Family Care Cough and Cold",
- "Sunmark cold head congestion",
- "Topcare mucus relief cold flu and sore throat",
- "Preferred Plus Chest Congestion Relief",
- "Daytime Sinus Nighttime Sinus Maximum Strength",
- "Calmylin Ace",
- "MucaPlex",
- "Biocotron PED",
- "Bio-Z-Cough",
- "Complete Daytime Liquid Capsules",
- "Guaifenesine Liq 100mg/5ml",
- "Benylin DM-E Syr",
- "Coricidin HBP Day and Night",
- "Severe Sinus Pain and Congestion Daytime",
- "Buckley's Complete Plus Mucous Relief Extra Strength",
- "Diabetic Maximum Strength Siltussin DM DAS-Na",
- "Cough Syrup DM - Decongestant - Expectorant Extra Strength",
- "Maximum Strength Mucus DM Extended Release",
- "CVS Health Chest Congestion Relief PE",
- "Maximum Strength Cough Plus Chest Congestion DM",
- "Medi-First Plus Cold Relief",
- "Topcare Mucus Relief Cold Flu and Sore Throat",
- "Benylin Extra Strength Mucus & Phlegm Plus Cold Relief",
- "Sinus PE Pressure, Pain and Cold Daytime, Non-Drowsy",
- "Wal Tussin Adult Chest Congestion",
- "Severe Congestion and Cough Multi-Symptom Maximum Strength",
- "Good Neighbor Pharmacy Mucus Relief Severe Cold Cold and Flu Night Time",
- "CareOne Cold Flu and sore throat",
- "Mucinex Fast-Max Day Severe Cold and Night Cold and Flu",
- "Glycerol Guaiacolate",
- "CareOne Tussin CF Multi Symptom Cold",
- "Members Mark mucus relief DM",
- "Daytime Mucus Relief Nighttime Cold and Flu",
- "Benylin DM-D-E With Menthactin",
- "Balminil Expectorant",
- "Up and Up mucus relief cold, flu and sore throat",
- "Moore Medical MooreBrand Severe Cold Relief",
- "Sirop Expectorant",
- "DG Health Mucus Relief",
- "Guaiphenesin",
- "Cough and Congestion DM",
- "Extra Strength Cough Syrup Expectorant",
- "Koffex DM + Decongestant + Expectorant Extra Strength",
- "Smart Sense Mucus Relief ER",
- "Good Neighbor Pharmacy Childrens Mucus Relief",
- "Childrens Mucus Relief COUGH",
- "Extra Strength Tylenol Complete Cold, Cough & Flu Plus Mucus Relief Nighttime",
- "Children's Mucinex Chest Congestion Liquid",
- "Calmylin Expectorant Syr 100mg/5ml",
- "Robitussin Cough and Cold Liqui-gels",
- "cold and cough sinus relief PE NON-DROWSY",
- "Good Neighbor Pharmacy mucus er",
- "Expectorant Cough Syrup 100mg/5ml",
- "Tukol X-Pecto Miel Multi Symptom Cold",
- "Head Congestion Cold Relief Severe Non-Drowsy",
- "Aurotussin Peak Cold Multi-Symptom Cold",
- "Tussin CF Adult Non Drowsy",
- "Dg Health Cold and Flu Severe",
- "TRISPEC DMX Cough Suppressant Expectorant Peach Flavor",
- "Rx Act Tussin Chest Congestion",
- "Equaline Tussin Cough and Cold",
- "Sudafed PE Pressure Plus Pain Plus Cold",
- "Cold and Flu-IN-one Regular Strength",
- "Tussin Original",
- "Extra Strength Tylenol Complete Cold, Cough & Flu Plus Mucus Relief",
- "Tussin Adult",
- "SohMed Cold Relief",
- "Topcare sinus relief pressure and pain",
- "Good Neighbor Pharmacy TabTussin",
- "Equaline tussin chest congestion",
- "Cough Plus Chest Congestion Adult DM Max",
- "Tylenol Cold Plus Head Congestion Severe",
- "Non-Drowsy Wal-Phed PE Triple Relief",
- "Cough Syrup DM-D-E With Acetaminophen",
- "Harmon Face Values Tussin CF",
- "PECGEN PSE Cough Suppressant Expectorant Nasal Decongestant GRAPE Flavor",
- "Vasofrinic Plus Sirop",
- "Sinus Severe Daytime",
- "Vicks Dayquil Complete Cold & Flu Liquid",
- "ShopRite Day Calm Severe",
- "Lil Drug Store Multi-Symptom Sinus Severe Congestion",
- "Biodesp DM NF",
- "BioGtuss NF",
- "Healthy Accents Mucus Relief",
- "KMart - Fast Maximum Severe Congestion and Cough",
- "Mucus Relief Severe Congestion and Cold Max Maximum Strength",
- "Sunmark mucus relief d",
- "Topcare mucus er",
- "Benylin DM-D-E-A Cold and Sinus Liquid Gels",
- "Guaifenesin Extended Release",
- "Guaifenesin and Dextromethorphan HBr",
- "Klernaz",
- "Healthy Accents Mucus Relief DM",
- "Topcare Tussin DM",
- "Childrens Mucinex Stuffy Nose and Cold",
- "Preferred Plus Sinus Relief Day Tiime Night Time",
- "FormuCare Cough Syrup DM",
- "Good Sense Adult Tussin DM",
- "Non Drowsy Regular Strength Contac Cold Chest Congestion",
- "Leader severe cold and flu",
- "Mucinex Fast-Max Congestion and Headache Clear and Cool",
- "Childrens Cold, Cough and Sore Throat",
- "BioGtuss",
- "Walgreens Severe Warming Cold and Flu For Adults",
- "Members Mark mucus relief ER",
- "Select Brand Tab Tussin",
- "Harris Teeter Tussin",
- "Maxium Strength DM Max",
- "Multi-Symptom Cold Severe, Non-Drowsy, Daytime",
- "Pediacare Childrens Cough And Congestion",
- "Counteract Cough Medicine - Liq",
- "SohMed Sinus",
- "Sun Mark Mucus Relief Cough Childrens",
- "Severe Congestion and Cold Relief Maximum Strength, Multi Symptom",
- "CareOne Severe Cold",
- "Cold, Flu and Sore Throat Maxium Strength",
- "Good Sense Childrens Mucus Relief",
- "Severe Cold and Flu Relief",
- "Mucus Relief Cold, Flu and Sore Throat",
- "Mucus Relief Chest Congestion",
- "Sinus Congestion and Pain Severe Daytime,Non-Drowsy",
- "Fast Acting Mucus Relief Maximum Strength Severe Cough and Congestion",
- "Good Sense Mucus ER",
- "Cough Syrup DM-decongestant Expectorant",
- "Leader Chest Congestion Relief Plus DMDM DM",
- "Harris Teeter Mucus Relief DM",
- "Smart Sense Tussin DM",
- "CareOne Cold and Sinus",
- "Tussin DM Cough and Chest Congestion",
- "Nu-copd",
- "Leader Tussin",
- "Vicks Custom Care Chest Congestion/cough",
- "Biobron SF",
- "Childrens Chest Congestion",
- "VanaTab DM",
- "Calmylin #3 Syr",
- "Topcare tussin dm sugar free cough and chest congestion",
- "Wal-Phed PE Pressure plus Pain plus Cold Daytime, Nighttime, Multi-Symptom",
- "Total Cold and Flu Extra Strength",
- "Healthy Accents Tussin Chest Congestion Adult",
- "AuroMucus - Childrens Multi-Symptom Cold",
- "Harmon Face Values Tussin DM Adult",
- "Tukol Multi Symptom Cold",
- "Expectorant DM Cough Extra Strength",
- "Rexall DM Cough and Congestion Relief",
- "Aurotussin Peak Cold Maximum Strength Cough plus Chest Congestion DM",
- "Extra Strength E (expectorant Syrup)",
- "Guaifenesin DAC",
- "Tussin DM Cough and Chest Congestion sugar-free ReadyInCase",
- "Broncochem Maximum Cough Kids",
- "Good Sense Tussin CF Cough and Cold",
- "Quality Choice Mucus Relief",
- "Aspirin Free Cold Head Congestion Day Time",
- "Guaitussin DM Syrup",
- "Supress-PE Pediatric",
- "Tussin CF Cough and Cold",
- "Daytime Severe Cold and Flu",
- "Good Neighbor Pharmacy Mucus DM",
- "Harris Teeter Mucus Relief D",
- "Gadavyt Cough DM",
- "Circle K Multi-Symptom Sinus Relief",
- "Facol Cold and Flu Day and Night",
- "Day Time Cold Head Congestion Severe",
- "Jack & Jill Cough Syrup",
- "Select Brand Mucus Relief DM",
- "Guaiacolate, Glycerol",
- "Benylin Cough & Congestion Extra Strength",
- "Adult Tussin Cough and Cold CF",
- "Premier Value Chest Congestion Relief",
- "Balminil DM-D-E - Liq",
- "Alka-Seltzer Plus Severe Cold, Mucus and Congestion",
- "Mucous Relief",
- "Coditussin AC",
- "Goyescas 7 Syrups with Bee Honey Cough and Cold",
- "Cough & Cold Relief Extra Strength",
- "Cough and Chest Congestion DM Maximum Strength",
- "Broncochem Expectorant II",
- "Despec-Tab",
- "Tussin adult mucus and chest congestion",
- "Theraflu ExpressMax Severe Cold and Flu Syrup",
- "Smart Sense Chest Congestion",
- "Babys Own Cough Syr",
- "Topcare Tussin Chest Congestion",
- "Mucus Extended Release",
- "Benylin Cough and Chest Congestion Extra Strength With Warming Sensation",
- "Alka-Seltzer Plus Max Cough, Mucus and Congestion",
- "Healthy Accents Cold and Flu",
- "Robitussin Mucus Plus Chest Congestion",
- "Smart Sense tussin dm max adult",
- "Good Neighbor Pharmacy Cold Multi Symptom",
- "ChildrensRelief Expectorant Grape",
- "sunmark Mucus er",
- "Cold Flu and Sore Throat Maximum Strength",
- "Tussin DM Sugar Free",
- "Facol Cold and Flu Day",
- "Neo Tuss Syr",
- "Day Time Cold Multi-Symptom Cool Blast",
- "G-Tuss-NL Ped",
- "Sinus Congestion PE",
- "Severe Cold and Flu Daytime",
- "TRISPEC PSE Cough Suppressant Expectorant Nasal Decongestant GRAPE Flavor",
- "Good Sense Day Time",
- "Koffex DM + Expectorant",
- "Good Neighbor Pharmacy Sinus Relief Day Time Night Time",
- "Tussin Cough Medicine DM Antitussive Expectorant Decongestant",
- "Tussin Maximum Strength",
- "Cold and Sinus Complete Liquid Gels",
- "DM Max Relief Maximum Strength",
- "Childrens Mucinex Congestion and Cough",
- "Mucinex Fast-Max Severe Congestion and Cough Liquid Pouches",
- "Leader mucus relief cold and sinus",
- "Pulmorphan",
- "Mucinex Multi-action Cold & Sinus Caplets",
- "Bactimicina Cough and Cold",
- "Cold and Flu-IN-one Extra Strength",
- "ConRx Cold",
- "Healthy Accents Tussin DM",
- "Defensol Adult Syrup",
- "Mucus Relief Sinus Pressure and Pain",
- "Dextromethorphan HBr, Guaifenesin",
- "Careone Childrens Mucus Relief",
- "Equate DayTime Severe",
- "Adult Tussin DM Max",
- "Pressure plus Pain PE plus Mucus",
- "Cough Syrup DM Decongestant and Expectorant With Acetaminophen Extra Strength",
- "Cold and Flu Nighttime Relief Syrup Extra Strength",
- "Refenesen Chest Congestion Relief",
- "Broncomar SF",
- "Childrens Robitussin Cough and Cold CF",
- "Rx Act Tussin CF Cough and Cold",
- "Smart Sense Mucus Relief Cough Childrens",
- "Sunmark Chest Congestion Relief DM DM",
- "Breacold Children",
- "Preferred Plus TabTussin",
- "Cold Head Congestion Severe",
- "Cold Flu and Sore Throat",
- "Benylin 1 With Menthactin",
- "Tussin Multi Symptom Cold CF Adult",
- "Severe sinus Congestion Relief",
- "Broncomar Maximum",
- "Ephedrine V With Guaifenesin",
- "Equaline tussin adult",
- "SUDAFED PE Pressure PLUS Pain PLUS Mucus",
- "Good Neighbor Pharmacy Tussin CF Max",
- "Alka-Seltzer Plus Severe Cough Mucus and Congestion Day and Night",
- "Tussin DM Max non drowsy",
- "Up and Up Tussin Multi Symptom Cold Maximum Strength",
- "Rompe Pecho Max Multi Symptoms",
- "Total Cold & Flu",
- "Biobron DX",
- "Cold and Head Congestion Relief Severe",
- "Mucosa DM",
- "Preferred Plus Intense Cough Reliever",
- "Auro Mucus - Childrens Cold, Cough and Sore Throat",
- "Fast Maximum Severe Congestion and Cough",
- "Expectorant plus Cough Relief",
- "Daytime Severe Cold and Flu Relief Maximum Strength",
- "Broncho Dilate",
- "Daytime SEVERE COLD and FLU",
- "Good Neighbor Pharmacy Day Time",
- "Equaline tussin cough and chest congestion dm max",
- "Ornade Expectorant Cough Formula",
- "Quality Choice Mucus Relief PE PE",
- "Good Neighbor Pharmacy Tab Tussin DM DMTDM",
- "Leader Day Time",
- "Cold & Sinus Liquid Fastgels",
- "Tussin DM Adult cough and chest congestion",
- "DM-decongestant-expectorant Syrup",
- "Core Values Tussin DM",
- "Tusnel DM Pediatric",
- "ShopRite Severe Cold",
- "Centracol Pediatrique - Syr",
- "Tussin Peak Cold sugar-free COUGH PLUS CHEST CONGESTION DM",
- "Biophex TR",
- "Green Guard Cough and Cold Relief",
- "Mucus Relief Cold Flu and Sore Throat Max Maximum Strength",
- "Leader TabTussin DM TDM",
- "Cold and Flu Relief Non-Drowsy / Daytime Severe / Nighttime Severe",
- "Texaclear Congestion and Pain Sinus Relief",
- "Sinus PE Pressure, Pain and Mucus",
- "Preferred Plus Mucus ER",
- "DM + Expectorant Syrup",
- "Robitussin Severe Multi-Symptom Cough Cold Flu",
- "Mucinex Sinus-action Complete Congestion and Sinus Pain",
- "Sudafed Cold and Flu Gel Caps",
- "Triaminic DM Expectorant Syr",
- "Childrens Cough and Chest Congestion DM",
- "Equate Tussin Adult Chest Congestion",
- "Cosedal Drops",
- "Broncomar",
- "Chest Congestion Relief",
- "Benylin All-IN-one Cold and Flu Liquid Gels",
- "Adult Tussin Cough and Chest Congestion DM",
- "Mucus Relief Expectorant",
- "DayTime Severe Cold and Flu Relief",
- "Cold Flu and Sore Throat Relief Maximum Strength",
- "Extra Strength Mucous Relief Cough",
- "Severe Cold and Flu Daytime/nighttime",
- "Mucus Relief Cough and Congestion DM",
- "Daytime Cold and Pain Relief",
- "Severe Congestion and Cough Relief",
- "Chloresin",
- "Shoprite Mucus Relief",
- "Topcare Childrens Mucus Relief Multi Symptom Cold",
- "Koffex DM + Decongestant + Expectorant",
- "Multi-Symptom Cold",
- "Equaline Mucus DM",
- "Biogtuss TR",
- "Entex LA Tablets Srt",
- "Cough childrens mucus relief",
- "Cold and Flu Daytime, Nighttime, Maximum Strength",
- "Day Severe Cold and Night Cold and Flu Maximum Strength",
- "Mucinex Multi-action Congestion & Cold Caplets",
- "Fast Mucus Relief Cold Flu and Sore Throat Maximum Strength Multi-Symptom",
- "Cold and Sinus PE Pressure, Pain and Cold Non-Drowsy",
- "Leader Adult Tussin Mucus Plus Chest Congestion",
- "Biocotron-D",
- "Cold Multi-Symptom Day-time",
- "High Blood Pressure Chest Congestion and Cough",
- "Multi-Symptom Cold Flu and Sore Throat Maximum Strength",
- "Good Neighbor Pharmacy Mucus ER",
- "Severe Sinus Congestion and Pain Non-Drowsy, Daytime",
- "Mucus Relief Sinus Severe Congestion Relief",
- "Mucus Relief Sinus Day and Night",
- "Cold and Flu Relief Severe",
- "Good neighbor pharmacy mucus relief",
- "CareOne Mucus Relief Severe Congestion and Cold",
- "Topcare Sinus Relief Day Time Night Time",
- "Severe Sinus Congestion Relief",
- "Flu Relief Cold and Chest Congestion",
- "Coricidin HBP Chest Congestion And Cough",
- "Igualtuss",
- "Skopko Chest Congestion Relief PE PE",
- "Equaline mucus relief",
- "Severe Cold and Flu Maximum Strength, Daytime, Non-Drowsy",
- "PediaCare Childrens Cough and Congestion",
- "Severe Cold Multi Symptom",
- "Mucinex Fast-Max Severe Congestion and Cough Clear and Cool",
- "Preferred Plus Chest Congestion Relief DMTDM TDM",
- "Alka-Seltzer Plus Severe Cough Mucus and Congestion Liquid Gels",
- "Humana Pharmacy Tussin Multi Symptom Cold",
- "Equate Mucus ER",
- "Severe Daytime",
- "Complete Liquid Capsules",
- "Careone Mucus Relief Childrens",
- "Sunmark Tussin Chest Congestion",
- "Buckley's Complete Plus Mucous Relief",
- "Guaap",
- "Dymetadrine 25 - Tab",
- "Cold & Flu",
- "Childrens Aurotussin Cough and Chest Congestion DM",
- "Tussin Chest Congestion Non Drowsy",
- "Vasopro Ephedrine",
- "Benylin Cough and Congestion",
- "Mucus Relief Maximum Strength Severe Congestion and Cough",
- "Topcare Cold Multi Symptom Severe",
- "Benylin 1 Nightime With Menthactin",
- "ShopRite Adult Tussin",
- "Tussin CF Non Drowsy",
- "Aquanaz",
- "Equaline Mucus Relief",
- "Leader Childrens Mucus Relief Cough",
- "Coditussin DAC",
- "Topcare Tussin DM Max",
- "KMart - Fast Maximum DM MAX",
- "Daytime Severe Cold and Flu Relief",
- "Pressure and Pain and Cold",
- "Cold Chest Congestion PE Regular Strength",
- "Licorice Coughing Liquid",
- "Topcare Day Time Nite Time Cold and Flu",
- "Cold and Head Congestion Severe",
- "Daytime Liquid - Liq",
- "Wal Tussin CF Cough and Cold",
- "Leader Cold Head Congestion",
- "Sorbugen",
- "Sinus Severe",
- "Tussin CF Multi Symptom Cold Adult",
- "HealthMart Mucus Relief FM",
- "Tussin CF Adult Cough and Cold",
- "Calmylin Codeine D-E Syr",
- "Tussin Cough Adult Maximum Strength",
- "glyceryl guaiacolate",
- "Good Sense Mucus Relief",
- "Up and Up maximum Strength fast mucus relief Severe Congestion and Cough",
- "Childrens Stuffy Nose and Cold",
- "Mucus Relief Cold and Sinus Maximum Strength",
- "Mucus DM",
- "Giltuss Total Release",
- "Good Neighbor Pharmacy Severe Day Time",
- "Signature Care Mucus Relief",
- "Multi-Symptom Cold and Sinus Maximum Strength",
- "Preferred Plus Severe Cold",
- "Severe Sinus Congestion Relief Maximum Strength",
- "Select Brand Mucus Relief",
- "Cough Syr W.cod. Pseudoephed.hcl Guaifenesin",
- "Leader TabTussin 400",
- "CVS Chest Congestion Relief PE",
- "Cold Relief Multi-Symptom, Daytime, Nighttime, Non-drowsy",
- "Goyescas 7 Syrups Original Cough and Cold",
- "Robitussin Peak Cold Multi-Symptom Cold",
- "Supress DX Pediatric Drops",
- "Tussin Cough and Chest Congestion DM Adult",
- "Severe Cold Relief",
- "Up and Up severe cold and flu daytime",
- "Day Time Cold and Flu Severe",
- "topcare tussin CF",
- "Ephed Asthma",
- "Complete One Cold and Flu Nightime Extra Strength Liquid",
- "guaiphenesin",
- "Medique Decorel Forte Plus",
- "Ratio-cotridin Expectorant",
- "Mucus Relief DM MAX",
- "Benylin Extra Strength All-IN-one Cold and Flu Nightime",
- "Childrens Mucinex Cough",
- "Healthy Accents Mucus Relief cold and sinus",
- "Shopko Chest Congestion Relief DMTDM TDM",
- "Childrens Cough Mucus Relief",
- "Healthy Accents Mucus Relief cold flu and sore throat",
- "Core Values Tussin CF",
- "Mucus Relief Cold Flu and Sore Throat",
- "Sinus Congestion and Pain Non Drowsy",
- "DG Health Mucus DM",
- "Daytime Severe",
- "Green Tussin DM",
- "Childrens Mucus Relief",
- "DG Health Childrens Mucus Relief Cough",
- "Benylin Cough Plus Cold Relief",
- "Topcare Mucus Relief cold and sinus",
- "Glyceryl Ether, Guaiacol",
- "Equate Mucus ER Max",
- "Sound Body Tussin DM",
- "Mucus Relief Plus",
- "Sunmark mucus relief DM",
- "Childrens Tussin DM",
- "Up and Up mucus relief severe congestion and cough",
- "Cough Syrup DM - Decongestant - Expectorant",
- "Cough Control Extra Strength",
- "Daytime Nighttime Severe Cold and Flu",
- "Lil Drug Store Multi-Symptom Sinus Relief",
- "Healthy Accents Tussin CF",
- "Cold Multi Symptom Severe",
- "Alka-Seltzer Plus Day and Night Severe Cold and Flu",
- "Ether, Guaiacol Glyceryl",
- "Cold and Flu Multi-Symptom Daytime/Nighttime Severe",
- "Triaminic Decongest+expect Liqui-gels Cap",
- "Bronco Silen-DM",
- "Tusslin TR",
- "Severe Congestion and Cold Maximum Strength",
- "Bronkaid Dual Action Formula",
- "Equate Mucus DM",
- "Cold and Flu Daytime Severe, Nighttime Severe",
- "Cough Syrup DM Decongestant Expectorant",
- "Sirop DM Expectorant",
- "Guaifenesin Syrup Extra Strength 200mg/5ml",
- "Childrens Relief Cherry",
- "Preferred Plus Chest Congestion Relief PE",
- "Mucinex Multi-action Wet & Dry Cough Liquid",
- "Tussin Chest",
- "Childrens Cough and Cold CF",
- "Mucus Relief Immediate Release",
- "Aurotussin Peak Cold Cough plus Chest Congestion DM",
- "Diabetic Siltussin DM DAS-Na",
- "Severe Cold Plus Flu Daytime Nighttime",
- "Severe Sinus Congestion and Pain Daytime",
- "DM Plus Decongestant Plus Expector.ex.st.syr",
- "Sound Body Tussin CF",
- "Healthy Accents Tussin DM cough and chest congestion",
- "Robafen Cough Formula",
- "Tussin DMMaximum Strength",
- "AuroMucus - Fast Maximum DM MAX",
- "CareOne Mucus Relief DM",
- "Preferred Plus Severe Day Time",
- "Robitussin Mucus & Phlegm",
- "DM Cough Syrup Antitussive and Expectorant",
- "Cold Relief Multi-Symptom Severe",
- "Mucus & Phlegm Syrup",
- "Madame Pearl's Cough Syrup",
- "Smart Sense Cough and chest congestion",
- "Rompe Pecho SF",
- "HEB Day Time Night Time Severe Cold and Flu",
- "Dimetane Expectorant Dc",
- "Aurophen Cold and Flu Severe",
- "Leader Severe Cold and Flu",
- "Cough Syrup DM-D-E",
- "Guaifenesin [Chemical/Ingredient]",
- "Daytime Cough. Cold. Flu Gel Capsules",
- "Benylin Extra Strength Mucus & Phlegm",
- "Topcare Mucus Relief Severe Congestion and Cold",
- "Expectorant Syrup",
- "Good Neighbor Pharmacy Mucus Relief Severe Cold",
- "Day and Night Sinus Maximum Strength",
- "Mucus Relief Cold Flu and Sore Throat Maximum Strength",
- "Dextromethorphan HBr and Guaifenesin",
- "DM Plus Expectorant Syrup",
- "Childrens Multi Symptom Cold",
- "Sunmark Adult Tussin DM",
- "Mucus D ER",
- "Cough Formula Cough and Cold",
- "Calmylin Cough and Flu Liq",
- "Alka-Seltzer Plus Day Severe Cold Plus Flu",
- "Cold and Sinus Maximum Strength",
- "Benylin All-IN-one Cold and Flu Night Extra Strength Syrup",
- "Acetaminophen, Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine Hydrochloride",
- "Tussin Multi Symptom",
- "Leader Cough Tabs",
- "Good Sense Childrens Mucus Relief Cough",
- "CareOne Tussin Mucus Plus Chest Congestion",
- "Robitussin Cough Control Extra Strength",
- "Severe Sinus",
- "Bisolvine Child",
- "Smart Sense Adults Tussin CF Multi Symptom Cold",
- "Dg Health Childrens Mucus Relief",
- "3-(o-Methoxyphenoxy)-1,2-propanediol",
- "Adults Tussin DM",
- "Robitussin Cough Control",
- "Mucus Relief Cold and Sinus",
- "Up and Up DM Max Cough Plus Chest Congestion",
- "DM-expectorant Syrup",
- "Topcare Tussin CF Max",
- "Medique Guaicon DMS",
- "Guaifenesin AC",
- "SanaTos Childrens Mucus Relief Cough",
- "DG Health Fast Acting Mucus Relief Severe Cold",
- "Severe Congestion and Cough, Cold and Flu Daytime and Nighttime",
- "Lil Drug Store Cold Relief",
- "Cough Cold and Sore Throat Childrens",
- "Fast Mucus Relief",
- "Cold Head Congestion Non-Drowsy",
- "Despec-DM Tabs",
- "Rugby Cough Syrup Guaifenesin",
- "Bronco Pulmonar Syrup",
- "Freds Chest Congestion Relief DM",
- "Healthy Accents cold head congestion daytime non drowsy",
- "CareOne Childrens Mucus Relief",
- "Childrens Chest Congestion Relief Grape",
- "Smart Sense Mucus and Chest Congestion",
- "Sorbutuss NR",
- "Tussin Sugar Free",
- "Brontuss SF",
- "Mucinex Sinus-Max Pressure and Pain",
- "Daytime Cold Medication Liquid Fastgels",
- "Mucus Relief D Immediate Release",
- "Ritussin Expectorant",
- "CareOne Adult Tussin DM sugar free",
- "Akin",
- "Family Care Multi Symptom Cold",
- "Triaminic Expectorant Dh Syrup",
- "Mucus Relief DM Max Maximum Strength Fast Acting",
- "BioTPres",
- "Benylin DM-D-E Extra Strength With Menthactin",
- "Benylin 4 Flu - Syrup",
- "Tussin Mucus and Chest Congestion Adult",
- "Benylin Extra Strength All-IN-one Cold and Flu",
- "Contac Complete Cough, Cold & Flu Syrup",
- "Good Sense Cold Head Congestion Severe",
- "Sunmark Mucus ER",
- "Good Sense Tussin CF",
- "Sinus Medication",
- "Mucinex Multi-action Congestion, Stuffy Nose & Cough Liquid",
- "Good Sense Mucus Relief Severe Congestion and Cold",
- "Preferred Plus Sinus Relief",
- "Sinus Relief Daytime, Nighttime, Maximum Strength",
- "Chest Congestion and Cough HBP",
- "Equaline Mucus ER",
- "Zodryl DEC 50",
- "Mucus & Phlegm Relief With Cough Control Extra Strength",
- "Equaline Childrens Mucus Relief",
- "Sinus Relief Maximum Strength",
- "Severe Cold",
- "Severe Sinus Congestion",
- "Robitussin Mucus & Phlegm Extra Strength",
- "Koffex DM-D-E - Liq",
- "Refenesen Chest Congestion Relief PE",
- "Leader Mucus Relief Severe Congestion and Cold",
- "Tussin Sugar Free Cough",
- "Gadavyt Cough",
- "Tussin Mucus Plus Chest Congestion",
- "Mucus Relief DMImmediate Release Immediate Release",
- "Cough and Chest Congestion DM",
- "Tussin DM Cough and Chest Congestion Non Drowsy",
- "Extra Strength Mucous Relief Chest",
- "Vicks Formula 44 Cough and Chest Congestion",
- "Tussin CF Adult Multi Symptom Cold",
- "PRESSURE plus PAIN plus MUCUS",
- "Mucus & Phlegm Relief Extra Strength",
- "Diabetic Tussin Expectorant",
- "Childrens mucus relief multi-symptom cold",
- "Childrens Tussnex",
- "Rapid Max Maximum Strength Cool and Clear - Cold, Flu and Sore throat",
- "Daytime Severe Cold and Flu Maximum Strength",
- "Mucus Relief cold flu and sore throat",
- "Guaifenesin and Codeine Phosphate SF",
- "Preferred Plus Severe Cold Day Time Cold and Flu Night Time",
- "Up and Up Adult Cough and Cold",
- "Altituss",
- "Good Sense Tussin Chest Congestion",
- "Preferred Plus TabTussin DM DMTDM",
- "Scot-Tussin Senior SF DMEXP",
- "Signature Care Tussin",
- "Childrens mucus relief",
- "Good Sense Severe Daytime Cold and Flu",
- "Tussin CF Adult Maximum Strength",
- "Cold and Sinus Maximum Strength, Multi-Symptom",
- "Cold and Flu Extra Strength Day",
- "Aurotussin Maximum Strength Daytime and Nighttime Cough Relief",
- "Cough Control DM Max",
- "Wal Tussin",
- "Expectorant-decongestant Syrup",
- "Mucus Relief Severe Sinus Congestion Maximum Strength",
- "Cold, Flu and Sore Throat Maximum Strength",
- "Cough Control DM Sugar Free",
- "guaifenesin",
- "Aurotussin Mucus plus Chest Congestion (ORIGINAL)",
- "Glyceryl Guaiacolate",
- "Cough Syrup Expectorant",
- "Aurotussin Peak Cold Maximum Strength Multi-Symptom Cold",
- "Mucus ReliefImmediate Release Immediate Release",
- "CareOne Mucus Relief",
- "Benylin Extra Strength All-IN-one Cold and Flu With Warming Sensation",
- "AuroMucus - Childrens Chest Congestion",
- "Leader Chest Congestion Relief G450",
- "Extra Strength Tylenol Congested Cough Caplets",
- "TopCare Mucus D",
- "Expectorant (extra Strength) Syrup",
- "Guaitussin DM Cough Formula Syr",
- "Robafen CF Cough and cold",
- "Good Neighbor Pharmacy Tussin DM Max",
- "Ratio-theo-bronc",
- "Robitussin Cough, Cold & Flu Liqui-gels",
- "Tussin Cough Medicine Gf Expectorant",
- "Topcare Sinus Relief",
- "guaiFENesin",
- "Prime's Sore Throat, Cough and Colds Capsules",
- "Tussin DM Max Cough and Chest Congestion",
- "Dimetane Expectorant Liq",
- "Good Neighbor Pharmacy Mucus Relief Severe Congestion and Cold",
- "Altidesp",
- "Mucus Relief Cold, Flu and Sore Throat Maximum Strength",
- "BioTPres Pediatric",
- "Mucus Relief DM Max",
- "Benylin Extra Strength Mucus & Phlegm Plus Cold Relief Night",
- "Tussin DM Cough and Chest Congestion Adult",
- "Severe Congestion and Cough Relief Maximum Strength",
- "Benylin All-IN-one Cold and Flu Extra Strength Syrup",
- "Preferred Plus Day Time Cold and Flu",
- "Complete One Cold and Flu Extra Strength",
- "EXPECTUSS Liquid",
- "Mucus Relief Cold and SInus Max Maximum Strength",
- "Robi DM Max Cough Congestion 10ct Blister",
- "Theraflu ExpressMax Severe Cold and Flu Caplets",
- "Childrens Chest Congestion Relief",
- "Tylenol Cold plus Flu Severe and Tylenol Cold Max",
- "Bronkisan",
- "Equate Daytime Severe",
- "Cough Suppressant and Expectorant DM",
- "Sound Body Mucus Relief",
- "Benylin Cough and Cold",
- "healthy accents mucus relief D",
- "Tussin DM Cough and Chest Non Drowsy",
- "Cough Plus Cold Relief Syrup",
- "Mucus Relief Severe Congestion and Cough",
- "Tussin Cough Expectorant Cough Supressant DM",
- "Childrens Mucus Relief Chest Congestion",
- "PE multi-stymptom cold and cough relief",
- "Equate Tussin DM adult",
- "Kroger Sinus Pain and Pressure",
- "Maximum Strength Daytime Cold/Flu Relief",
- "Histenol Forte II",
- "Childrens Tukol Multi-Symptom Cold and Flu",
- "Medi-First Cold Relief",
- "TopCare Mucus ER",
- "Multi-Symptom Cold and Cough Daytime Nighttime",
- "Broncochem Kids Cold and Flu",
- "Mucinex Extended Release Bi-layer Tablets",
- "7 Select Mucus Relief",
- "Benylin Extra Strength Mucus & Phlegm Plus Cough Control",
- "Medique CCP Caffeine Free",
- "Bionel",
- "Topcare mucus relief",
- "Mucus Relief Severe Congestion Cough Maximum Strength",
- "Careone daytime severe cold and flu",
- "Good Sense Mucus D",
- "Tussin Adult Chest Congestion",
- "HealthMart Chest Congestion Relief DMDM DM",
- "Viva Cold & Flu All In One Relief Caplets",
- "Smart Sense Tussin CF Adult",
- "Mucus Relief PE",
- "Health Mart Daytime",
- "Tussin Cough DM Adult Sugar Free",
- "Vicks DayQuil Mucus Control DM",
- "Tussin CF Max",
- "Mucinex Fast-Max Day Time Severe Congestion and Cough - Mucinex Fast-Max Night Time Cold and Flu Maximum Strength",
- "CVS Chest Congestion Relief DM",
- "Sancochito Compuesto",
- "Smart Sense Childrens Mucus Relief",
- "Koffex Expectorant Sans Sucrose",
- "Tylenol Sinus Plus Mucous Relief",
- "Goyescas 7 Syrups Alcohol and Sugar Free Cough and Cold",
- "Smart Sense Severe Cold",
- "Libera Tos",
- "Sinus Congestion and Pain Relief Non-Drowsy/Daytime",
- "CVS - Childrens Stuffy Nose and Cold",
- "Sudafed Total Cold and Flu Rapid Release",
- "Scot-tussin Expectorant",
- "Sinus Congestion and Pain",
- "Leader Mucus DM",
- "Equaline Chest Congestion Relief DM DM",
- "Dimetane Expectorant C",
- "Mucus Relief MAXIMUM STRENGTH",
- "Balminil Cough and Flu",
- "Good Sense Sinus Relief",
- "Benylin Chest Congestion Extra Strength",
- "Vicks DayQuil and Vicks NyQuil Severe Cold and Flu",
- "Tussin DM Max Adult Cough Plus Chest Congestion",
- "Mucus Relief ER",
- "Leader Mucus Relief Sever Cold",
- "Expectorant Cough Formula Syr 100mg/5ml",
- "Mucus Relief DM Expectorant and Cough Suppressant",
- "Double Tussin Intense Cough Reliever DM",
- "Daytime Cold Relief Multi Symptom",
- "Cough and Chest Congestion DM Max",
- "Balminil Codeine + Decongestant + Expectorant",
- "Benylin Codeine 3.3mg De Syr",
- "Mucus Relief PE Sinus Congestion",
- "Childrens Mucinex Chest Congestion",
- "Berkley and Jensen Adult Tussin DM",
- "Good Neighbor Pharmacy Mucus Relief DM",
- "Up and Up Mucus Relief DM",
- "Extra Strength Cough Plus Cold Relief Syrup",
- "Topcare Mucus Relief",
- "Severe Cold Daytime Multi-Symptom Non-Drowsy",
- "Vicks Dayquil Complete Cold & Flu Caplets",
- "Balminil DM + Decongestant + Expectorant Extra Strength",
- "Mucinex Fast-Max Severe Congestion and Cough Clear and Cool and Mucinex Fast-Max Night Time Cold and Flu Clear and Cool",
- "Tussin CF Non Drowsy Multi Symptom",
- "Equate Tussin CF",
- "Little Remedies Little Colds Mucus Relief Expectorant Melt Aways",
- "Good Neighbor Pharmacy Mucus Relief cold and sinus",
- "Severe Cold Multi-Symptom",
- "KMart - Fast Maximum Cold and Sinus",
- "Sinumist-SR",
- "Virtussin A/C",
- "Childrens Multi-Symptom Cold",
- "NiteTime DayTime Severe Cold and Flu",
- "Severe Congestion and Cough MAX Maxium Strength",
- "CounterAct Day",
- "Cough and Flu Syrup",
- "G-Xpect PSE",
- "Tussnex FM Cold and Sinus",
- "Up and Up severe cold and flu",
- "Buckley's Cough Chest Congestion",
- "Premier Value Chest Congestion and cough releif DM",
- "Mucus DM Max",
- "MAX Cold, Flu, and Sore Throat",
- "Cold Relief Cold and Flu Severe",
- "Select Brand Mucus Relief PE",
- "Childrens Mucinex Mini-Melts Chest Congestion",
- "Mucinex Fast-Max Congestion and Headache",
- "Flu, Cough & Cold Complete Day and Night",
- "Mucus ER Max",
- "CareOne Adult Tussin",
- "Bisolvine Adult",
- "Robafen DM Max Non drowsy",
- "Guaifenesin and pseudoephedrine hydrochloride Extended Release",
- "Tussin Non Drowsy",
- "Guiafenesin",
- "Expectorant DM Cough Extra Strength With Decongestant",
- "Kroger Cough Cold and Flu",
- "Refenesen Chest Congestion Relief pe",
- "7 select Tussin DM",
- "Cold Multi-Symptom Severe Day Time",
- "Mucinex Fast-Max Day Time Severe Congestion and Cough and Mucinex Fast-Max Night Time Cold and Flu Maximum Strength",
- "Signature Care Non drowsy Daytime Severe Cold and Flu Relief",
- "Childrens Mucus Relief cough",
- "Cold, Flu and Sore Throat Maximum Strength, Multi-Symptom",
- "Mucus Relief Maximum Strength",
- "Creo Grippe Sup Adultes",
- "Pressure Pain Mucus PE",
- "WalTussin DM Max",
- "Cough and Chest Congestion",
- "Chest Congestion Childrens",
- "Benylin Cough & Chest Congestion for People With Diabetes",
- "Mucus Relief Maximum StrengthCold Flu and Sore Throat",
- "Leader sinus relief",
- "Mucus Relief Congestion and Cough Maximum Strength",
- "Severe Congestion and Cough, Cold and Flu Daytime, Nighttime",
- "Aurophen Cold Multi-Symptom Severe",
- "TexaClear Kids Cough and Cold",
- "Select Brand Tab Tussin DM",
- "Benylin Extra Strength With Menthactin",
- "Cough Syrup With Codeine",
- "Zicam Multi-symptom Cold & Flu Daytime",
- "Mucus Relief, Cold, Flu and Sore Throat Maximum Strength, Multi-Symptom",
- "Cough Childrens",
- "Preferred Plus Childrens Mucus Relief Multi Symptom Cold",
- "Goyescas Broncovac 1 Cough and Cold",
- "Topcare Cold",
- "Multi Symptom Cold CF Adult",
- "Health Mart Mucus D",
- "Broncomar Maximun Cough Relief",
- "Pulmorex Expectorant Liq",
- "Signature Care Mucus Relief DM",
- "Mucus Relief DM Cough Maximum Strength",
- "Mucus Relief Cough Childrens",
- "Leader Adult Tussin Chest Congestion",
- "Health Mart Adult Tussin",
- "Presgen Pediatric",
- "Expectorant DM Cough Syrup",
- "Good Sense Tussin DM",
- "Healthy Accents Mucus Relief Severe Congestion and Cold",
- "Cough & Chest Congestion",
- "Severe Cold and Mucus",
- "Rugby Mucus ER",
- "Guaianesin",
- "Leader Childrens Mucus Relief Multi Symptom Cold",
- "Good Neighbor Pharmacy Mucus Relief PE PE",
- "Extra Strength Neocitran Cold Syrup With Mucus Relief",
- "Smart Sense Sinus Relief",
- "Expectorant 12 Hour",
- "Robitussin To Go Cough and Chest Congestion DM",
- "Guaifenesine Liq 100mg/5ml Sans Sucrose",
- "Adult CF Cough",
- "Tussnex FM Cold, Flu and Sore Throat",
- "AuroMucus - Fast Maximum Cold, Flu and Sore Throat Relief",
- "DG Health tussin cf adult cough and cold",
- "Bionel Pediatric",
- "AuroMucus - Childrens Stuffy Nose and Cold",
- "Dimetane Expectorant-DC Syr",
- "Maximum Strength Mucus Relief DM",
- "DayTime/NiteTime Severe Cold and Flu Maximum Strength",
- "Signature Care Mucus Relief Max",
- "Up and Up Childrens Mucus Relief",
- "Physicians Care Cold Cough",
- "Mucinex Fast-Max Cold, Flu and Sore Throat Clear and Cool",
- "Mucus Relief DM Maximum Strength",
- "Berkley and Jensen Tussin Cough and Chest Congestion DM",
- "Mucinex Sinus-Max Severe Congestion Relief Maximum Strength",
- "Tussin CF Maximum Strength",
- "Healthy Accents Mucus Relief Severe Cold",
- "Daytime Severe Cold Multi-symptom",
- "SelectHealth Tussin DM",
- "I.D.M. Solution",
- "Good Neighbor Pharmacy Tussin CF",
- "Tussin Adults Non Drowsy",
- "Expectorant Cough Childrens",
- "Sinus Relief Severe Congestion",
- "Bronchophan Expectorant (sans Sucrose)",
- "DESGEN DM Tabs",
- "Mucus Relief Chest",
- "Biocotron -",
- "Tukol A",
- "Up and Up Daytime Severe Cold Nighttime Cold and Flu",
- "Topcare Cold Head Congestion Severe",
- "Childrens Mucus Relief Cough",
- "Tussin Expectorant for Adults",
- "Cold Multi-Symptom Severe",
- "Broncomar Expectorant SF",
- "Walgreens Severe Cold Multi-Symptom For Adults",
- "I D M Expectorant Tab",
- "Zodryl DEC 40",
- "Maximum Strength-Cough and Chest Congestion DM",
- "Mucinex Multi-action Cold, Flu & Sore Throat Liquid",
- "Theraflu Warming Relief Cold and Chest Congestion",
- "Good Sense Tussin Mucus and Chest Congestion",
- "TYLENOL Cold Plus Mucus Severe",
- "Flu, Cough & Cold Complete",
- "Balminil Expectorant Liq 100mg/5ml",
- "Healthy Accents Tussin",
- "Non Drowsy Cold and Cough PE",
- "Goyescas Broncovac 3 Cough and Cold",
- "DG Health Cold and Flu Relief",
- "Good Sense Mucus Relief cold flu and sore throat",
- "CareOne Mucus Relief ER",
- "Premier Value Chest and Sinus Congestion relief",
- "Benylin E Menthol Extra Strength",
- "Akin DM",
- "Leader tussin dm max adult",
- "Tussin DM Max Adult Cough and Chest Congestion",
- "Berkley and Jensen Mucus Relief",
- "CareOne Adult Tussin DM",
- "Healthy Accents Tussin DM Adult Sugar Free",
- "Multi Symptom Cold Double Max Power",
- "Mucus Relief DM MAX Maximum Strength",
- "Mucus Relief Severe Congestion and Cough Maximum Strength",
- "Mucus Relief Cold, Flu, and Sore Throat Maximum Strength",
- "Good Sense cold multi symptom",
- "Mar-cof Cg Expectorant",
- "Childrens Mucus Relief DM",
- "Pressure and Pain PE Plus Cold",
- "Facol Cold and Flu Night",
- "Tylenol Complete Cold, Cough & Flu Plus Mucus Relief",
- "Regular Strength Mucous Relief Chest",
- "Cough Syrup DM Expectorant",
- "Mucus Relief Daytime/Nighttime/Maximum Strength",
- "Mucus and Chest Congestion",
- "Mucus Relief Maximum Strength DM Max",
- "Maximum Strength Mucus Relief Cold Flu and Sore Throat",
- "Sever Daytime Cold and Flu and Sever Nighttime Cold and Flu",
- "Good Neighbor Pharmacy Mucus D",
- "Circle K Cold",
- "Benylin All-IN-one Cold and Flu Extra Strength",
- "Pancold S Oral",
- "Tylenol Cold Plus Flu Severe",
- "Total Cold and Flu",
- "Care One Chest Congestion Relief DM",
- "Tussin Cough and Chest Congestion DM Sugar Free",
- "Careone Severe Sinus Congestion and Pain",
- "Severe Cold Head Congestion",
- "Cough Syrup DM-E",
- "Choledyl Expectorant Elixir",
- "Tylenol Cold Plus Flu Severe Day/night",
- "H E B MAX SEVERE CONGESTION and COUGH Maxium Strength",
- "Smart Sense cold flu and sore throat",
- "Mucus Relief Severe Congestion and Cold",
- "Good Sense Severe Cold",
- "Good Neighbor Pharmacy Day Time Severe",
- "DM-decongestant-expectorant (extra Strength) Syrup",
- "Expectorant (regular Strength) Cough Syrup",
- "Cough and Chest Congestion Syrup",
- "Balminil DM + Expectorant Extra Strength",
- "Daytime and Nighttime Cough Relief",
- "Leader Tussin CF",
- "Up and Up Mucus Relief Cold and Sinus",
- "Equaline Tussin Multi Symptom",
- "Leader Childrens Mucus Relief",
- "Robitussin Syrup With Codeine",
- "Smart Sense Adult Tussin DM sugar free",
- "Childrens Mucinex Cold, Cough and Sore Throat",
- "Contac Cough & Cold Syrup",
- "Dr. Cocoa Mucus Relief",
- "Equaline Daytime Severe Cold and Flu Relief",
- "Diabetic Siltussin DAS-Na",
- "Alka-Seltzer Plus Severe Sinus Cold and Cough Liquid Gels",
- "Simply Right Mucus Relief",
- "Maximum Strength Mucus Relief Cold,Flu and Sore Throat",
- "Childrens Mucus Relief Cherry",
- "AuroMucus - Childrens Cough",
- "Aurotussin Peak Cold sugar-free COUGH PLUS CHEST CONGESTION DM",
- "Vicks DayQuil Severe Cold and Flu",
- "Cough Be Gone",
- "Biocof",
- "Guaifenesin Extended-Release",
- "Mucus Relief DM Immediate Release",
- "Multi Symptom Cold Relief CF Non Drowsy",
- "Guaiphenezine",
- "Topcare Cold and Flu",
- "TopCare Mucus DM",
- "Mucus Relief Max",
- "Mucus Releif Expectorant",
- "Sound Body Cold and Flu Relief",
- "guaiacol glyceryl ether",
- "Up and Up Fast Mucus Relief Severe Cold",
- "Broncotron S",
- "Giltuss Pediatric",
- "AuroQuil Severe Cold and Flu Daytime Relief",
- "Childrens Mucinex Multi-Symptom Cold",
- "Adult Tussin Chest Congestion",
- "Zicam",
- "Tussin Multi Symptom Cold CF",
- "Zodryl DEC 80",
- "Sinus Relief Severe Congestion Maximum Strength",
- "Cold and Chest Congestion Relief",
- "Mucus Relief Maximum Strength Multi Symptom Relief",
- "DM Expectorant (extra Strength) Syrup",
- "CareOne Mucus ER",
- "Childrens Multi-Symptom Cold and Fever Relief",
- "Tussin DM Adults",
- "Health Mart Severe Cold and Flu",
- "Diabetic Tussin DM Maximum Strength",
- "Mucinex Sinus-Max Day Time Severe Congestion Relief and Mucinex Sinus-Max Night Time Congestion and Cough Maximum Strength",
- "Childrens Multi-symptom Cold",
- "Bio-S-Pres DX",
- "Cough Syrup DM-expectorant",
- "Cold Relief Head Congestion Severe",
- "Total Cold & Flu Combo",
- "DG Health cold multi symptom severe",
- "Cold Relief Multi Symptom Severe",
- "QTussin",
- "Mucinex Sinus-Max Pressure, Pain and Cough",
- "CareOne Adult Tussin CF",
- "Childrens Aurotussin Cough and Cold CF",
- "Cold and Sinus Maxium Strength",
- "Calmylin Pse With Codeine",
- "DM Cough and Congestion Relief Adult non-Drowsy Sugar Free",
- "Expectorant Syrup (sucrose Free)",
- "Childrens Mucus Relief Multi Symptom Cold",
- "Childrens Delsym Cough Plus Chest Congestion DM",
- "Tussin DM adult cough and chest congestion",
- "Altipres Pediatric",
- "Healthy Accents Sinus Relief",
- "Multi Symptom Cold",
- "Select Brand Coughtab 400",
- "Cold Tabs II",
- "TRISPEC DMX Pediatric Drops Cough Suppressant Expectorant CHERRY RASPBERRY Flavor",
- "Bronchial Asthma Relief",
- "Pressure Pain Cold PE",
- "Contac Cold Chest Congestion",
- "Jack & Jill Expectorant",
- "Day and Night Cold PE",
- "G-Tuss-NL",
- "Robitussin Peak Cold Sugar-Free Cough Plus Chest Congestion DM",
- "CareOne Tussin DM cough plus chest congestion",
- "Cold and Flu Capsules",
- "Immediate-release Mucus Relief DM",
- "Cold and Flu Severe Day Time / Night Time",
- "Histenol II",
- "Up and Up Mucus Relief Severe Congestion and Cold",
- "Leader Mucus Relief",
- "Severe Congestion Relief Maximum Strength Sinus",
- "tussin cough and chest congestion DM",
- "Scot-Tussin Expectorant SF Cough",
- "Sunmark Tussin",
- "Sudafed PE Total",
- "CVS - Childrens Mucus Relief Cough, Cold and Sore Throat",
- "Cough & Chest Congestion Liquid",
- "DG Health Mucus ER",
- "Tussin CF Multi-Symptom Cold",
- "Mucinex Sinus-Max Severe Congestion Relief Clear and Cool",
- "Equaline Tussin Mucus and Chest Congestion",
- "Supress DM",
- "Good Neighbor Pharmacy tussin dm max adult",
- "Multi Symptom Cold CF",
- "Equate Tussin DM Max",
- "DM Plus Decongestant Plus Expectorant Cough Syrup",
- "Mucus Congestion and Cough Relief Childrens",
- "Cough Syrup DM-decongestant-expectorant Extra Strength",
- "Preferred Plus Mucus Relief",
- "DM + Expectorant Extra Strength Syrup",
- "Mucus Relief DM Max Maximum Strength",
- "Pharmitussin DM",
- "Cough & Cold Soft Gel Caps",
- "Wal Tussin CF Max",
- "Complete One Cold and Flu Extra Strength Tablets",
- "Mucinex Maximum Strength",
- "Cough Syrup E 100mg/5ml",
- "Assured Maximum Strength Mucus Relief",
- "Day Time Severe",
- "Guaiacol Glyceryl Ether",
- "Tussin DM Adult",
- "DM Max Maxium Strength",
- "Health Mart Adult Tussin DM",
- "Ultra Strength Neocitran Flu Day With Mucus Relief",
- "Wal Tussin CF Max Multi Symptom Cough Cold and Flu",
- "Mucus Relief Day Time and Night Time",
- "CareOne Sinus Relief Severe",
- "Leader Tussin DM",
- "Sinus Relief Maximum Strength Daytime and Nighttime Sinus Pain",
- "1,2-Propanediol, 3-(2-methoxyphenoxy)-",
- "Handy Solutions Cold Relief",
- "DayTime Maximum Strength Cold and Flu",
- "Rapid Max Maximum Strength Cool and Clear - Cold, Severe Congestion and Cough",
- "Shoprite Day Calm Severe",
- "Childrens Mucus Relief Cough Cherry",
- "Scot-Tussin Senior Maximum Strength Cough Suppressant and Expectorant",
- "KMart - Fast Maximum Cold, Flu and Sore Throat Relief",
- "Tussin Adult chest congestion",
- "Triaminic DM Daytime Syr",
- "Robitussin Peak Cold Maximum Strength Multi-symptom Cold",
- "Mucus Relief Severe Cold Daytime Maximum Strength",
- "Novahistex Expectorant With Decongestant",
- "GuaiFENesin",
- "Dover Coldonyl",
- "Triaminic Expectorant Syr",
- "Topcare Day Time Cold and Flu Severe",
- "Altidome DMX",
- "Mucus DM Extended Release",
- "Mucinex Sinus-action Pressure, Pain & Congestion",
- "Mucus Relief cold and sinus",
- "Sinus Congestion and Pain Relief",
- "Childrens Tussnex Multi-symptom cold",
- "Vicks Pediatric Formula 44e Liq",
- "Zodryl DEC 25",
- "alpha-Glyceryl guaiacol ether",
- "Being Well Adult Cough Relief DM",
- "TYLENOL Cold Plus Flu Severe",
- "Leader Daytime Severe Cold and Flu",
- "Severe Congestion and Cough/ Cold and Flu Daytime/nighttime",
- "Rompe Pecho CF",
- "Biospec DMX",
- "Pressure Plus Pain PE Plus Cold",
- "The Medicine Shoppe Chest Congestion Relief",
- "Careone Daytime Severe Cold Flu Relief",
- "Mucus and Cough Relief",
- "Ritussin DM",
- "Tussin Cough and Chest Congestion DM maximum strength",
- "Sinus Pressure and Pain Maximum Strength",
- "DayTime Cold and Flu Severe and NightTime Cold and Flu Severe",
- "Healthy Accents Childrens Mucus Relief",
- "Zodryl DEC 30",
- "Smart Sense daytime cold and flu",
- "Tussin Cough and Chest Congestion DM",
- "Wal Tussin DM Adult Cough and Chest Congestion",
- "Sinus Relief PE Maxium Strength",
- "Vicks Dayquil Cough Cough & Congestion",
- "Adult Tussin DM Lil Drug Store Products",
- "TRISPEC PSE Pediatric Drops Cough Suppressant Expectorant Nasal Decongestant GRAPE Flavor",
- "Adult Cough and Chest Congestion Relief DM Non Drowsy",
- "Severe Sinus Daytime, Non-Drowsy",
- "Sun Mark Tussin DM cough and chest congestion",
- "Glyceryl guaiacolate",
- "Benylin E Syrup",
- "Leader Adult Tussin DM",
- "Cold, Flu and Sore Throat",
- "Geri-tussin Expectorant",
- "Good Neighbor Pharmacy Mucus Relief",
- "Cough Syrup DM-D-E With Acetaminophen Extra Strength",
- "Leader Sinus Relief",
- "Chest Congestion Childrens Plus Cough",
- "Day Relief",
- "Up and Up Adult Cough Formula DM Max",
- "Childrens Robitussin Cough and Chest Congestion DM",
- "Smart Sense Cough and Chest Congestion",
- "Severe Congestion and Cold Maximum Strength/ Multi-Symptom",
- "CVS Daytime COLD and FLU RELIEF and Nighttime COLD and FLU RELIEF",
- "Childrens Mucinex Multi Symptom Cold and Childrens Mucinex Night Time Multi Symptom Cold",
- "Sunmark Tussin DM Sugar Free",
- "DG Health Cold and Flu Relief Daytime",
- "DM-D-expectorant Cough and Cold Syrup",
- "Good Sense Cold and Flu Severe",
- "Daytime Complete",
- "Cold-EEZE Childrens Daytime Cough and Chest Congestion Relief",
- "guaifenesin (medication)",
- "Bio-G-Tuss Pediatric Drops",
- "Health Mart Mucus ER",
- "Care One cold head congestion",
- "Tussin DM Sugar Free Non Drowsy",
- "Robitussin Cough Control for People With Diabetes",
- "Shopko Chest Congestion Relief",
- "Guaifenesin - chemical (substance)",
- "Topcare Day Time Cold and Flu",
- "Handy Solutions Sinus Congestion and Pain Relief",
- "Benylin All-IN-one Cold and Flu PE Caplets",
- "Daytime Cold & Flu Liquid Capsules",
- "Cold & Flu-IN-one",
- "SIMPEX Guaifenesin",
- "Broncochem Maximum Cough",
- "Extra action Cough",
- "Leader Mucus ER Max",
- "Sudafed PE Cold and Flu Caplets",
- "Harris Teeter Mucus Relief Max",
- "Smart Sense tussin adult",
- "Guaifenesin Extended Release Extended Release",
- "Up and Up Mucus Relief",
- "Creo Grippe Enfants Sup",
- "Signature Care daytime nighttime severe cold and flu relief",
- "Buckley's Complete Daytime Plus Mucus Relief Softgels",
- "Childrens Mucinex Multi-Symptom Cold and Fever",
- "Guaifenesin - chemical",
- "Tussin CF Dextromethorphan HBr, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine HCL",
- "Leader Mucus Relief Cold Flu and Sore Throat",
- "G-bronco-D",
- "Theraflu Max-D",
- "Xpecto soothing relief",
- "Tussnex FM Severe cough and congestion",
- "Dimetapp Cough & Congestion Liquid",
- "Balminil DM + Expectorant",
- "CareOne Cold plus Flu Severe",
- "Good Neighbor Pharmacy Cold Severe",
- "Desgen Pediatric",
- "ConRx Sinus",
- "Tussin CF Adult",
- "Harris Teeter Sinus Relief",
- "Good Sense Mucus Relief Cold and Sinus",
- "Cold and Flu DayTime, NightTime Severe",
- "Chest Congestion Syrup",
- "Mucus Relief Daytime/Nighttime",
- "Tukol MAX ACTION Severe Congestion and Cough",
- "Childrens Mucinex Mini-Melts Cough",
- "Tussin mucus plus Chest Congestion",
- "Wal Tussin DM Max Cough and Chest Congestion",
- "Tussin Chest Congestion Adult Non Drowsy",
- "Mucinex Multi-action Cold, Flu & Sore Throat Caplets",
- "Leader Tussin CF Max",
- "Mucinex Sinus-Max Day Night Maximum Strength",
- "Stona Cough",
- "Cheracol Cough Syrup",
- "Adult Tussin",
- "Dg Health Cold Head Congestion Severe Day Time",
- "Mucinex Fast-Max Day Time Severe Cold and Mucinex Fast-Max Night Time Cold and Flu Maximum Strength",
- "Cough and Chest Congestion Syrup Extra Strength",
- "Cough & Chest Congestion Extra Strength",
- "Guaifenesin (product)",
- "Day and Night Cold",
- "Mucus Relief Cold Flu Sore Throat Maximum Strength",
- "Adult Tussin DM Cough Plus Chest Congestion DM",
- "Cold, Flu and Sore Throat Relief Maximum Strength, Multi Symptom",
- "Presgen",
- "Childrens Mucus and Cough Relief",
- "Clophed",
- "Sunmark Tussin CF",
- "Sinus Pressure and Pain Relief extra strength",
- "Coricidin II Chest Congestion and Cough",
- "Adult Tussin Cough and Chest Congestion DM Sugar Free",
- "Adult Tussin CF Multi-Symptom Cold",
- "Up and Up Mucus Relief Cold Flu and Sore Throat",
- "Mucus and Sinus PE",
- "CVS HEALTH Chest Congestion Relief",
- "PhysiciansCare Cold and Cough Non-Drowsy",
- "Mucinex D Maximum Strength",
- "Daytime Nighttime Severe Cold and Flu Relief",
- "Good Neighbor Pharmacy Tussin",
- "Green Tussin SUGAR FREE DM",
- "Head Congestion and Cold Relief Daytime",
- "Syrup DM-E",
- "Cold-EEZE Daytime Cold and Flu",
- "Acetaminophen, Guaifenesin, Phenylephrine Hydrochloride",
- "AuroMucus - Fast Maximum Cold and Sinus",
- "Cold Medication Daytime Relief",
- "DG Health Fast Acting Mucus Relief Severe Congestion and Cold",
- "Cough Syrup DM Expectorant Extra Strength",
- "Ultra Tuss DM",
- "Extra Strength Tylenol Complete Cold, Cough & Flu Daytime",
- "Tussin Chest Congestion",
- "Ganidin",
- "Equaline Chest Congestion Relief",
- "Shoprite Adult Tussin",
- "Dg Health Mucus Relief ER",
- "Daytime Relief Severe Cold and Flu",
- "Smart Sense Multi Symptom Cold",
- "Good Neighbor Pharmacy Sinus Relief",
- "Topcare Tussin Mucus Plus Chest Congestion",
- "Severe Congestion and Cough/Cold and Flu Daytime/Nighttime/Maximum Strength",
- "TopCare Mucus Relief and Cold and Flu",
- "Mucinex Multi-action Cold & Sinus Liquid",
- "Mucus Relief Sinus Congestion Daytime Nighttime Maximum Strength",
- "Altipres",
- "Sinus Congestion and Pain Daytime Non-Drowsy Severe",
- "Rompe Pecho EX",
- "Berkley Jensen Tussin",
- "Tussin Cough DM Adult",
- "Sunmark Cold and Flu Severe",
- "CounterAct Cough",
- "Up and Up adult cough formula DM Non drowsy",
- "Preferred Plus Mucus Relief Cold and Sinus",
- "Wal Tussin Adult Cough and Cold",
- "Bronchodex Pediatrique",
- "Ultra Tuss Safe",
- "Sinus Relief Congestion and Pain Severe",
- "Dg Health Mucus Relief",
- "Health Mart mucus relief DM",
- "Tukol Maxium Strength Cough and Mucus Relief",
- "Good Sense Tussin DM Cough and Chest Congestion",
- "Maximum Strength Mucus Relief Severe Congestion and Cough",
- "Cold Relief Severe, Multi-symptom",
- "Panto A",
- "Mucus Relief Severe Cough and Congestion",
- "Mucus Relief Severe Cold",
- "Smart Sense DayTime",
- "Non-Drying Sinus PE",
- "Robafen DM Cough Sugar Free Clear",
- "Cold Relief Severe Head Congestion",
- "Regular Strength Tylenol Cold Chest Congestion",
- "Smart Sense Mucus ER",
- "Alticotron",
- "AuroMucus - Fast Maximum Severe Congestion and Cough",
- "Health Mart mucus relief d",
- "Cold Relief Severe",
- "G Tussin AC",
- "Benylin 2 Cold and Flu With Codeine",
- "Extra Strength Tylenol Complete Cold, Cough & Flu",
- "Biodesp DM",
- "Leader Mucus Relief Childrens",
- "Good Sense tussin dm max",
- "Up and Up Childrens Mucus Relief and Cough",
- "Severe Cold Daytime Cold and Flu Nighttime",
- "Mucus Relief Cough",
- "Good Sense Tussin CF Max",
- "Balminil Expectorant (sucrose Free)",
- "Excaugh",
- "Sunmark Chest Congestion Relief PE PE",
- "DayQuil Severe",
- "Quality Choice Mucus Relief DM DM",
- "Leader Mucus ER",
- "Pressure and Pain PE Plus Mucus",
- "Leader Mucus Relief Cold and Sinus",
- "Benylin DM-E Menthol Extra Strength Cough and Chest Congestion",
- "Dg Health Tussin DM Adult",
- "Severe Cold, Cold and Flu Maximum Strength, Daytime, Nightime",
- "DM Expectorant Cough Syrup",
- "Despec EDA Drops",
- "Defensol-ito",
- "Breacold Adult",
- "Defensolito Children Syrup",
- "Severe Multi-Symptom Cold",
- "Expectorant Tab DM",
- "Pulmovac",
- "G-tron Pediatric Drops",
- "Cold Relief Severe Pain Cough",
- "Equaline adult tussin cough and chest congestion",
- "Zodryl DEC 60",
- "Cough Syrup DM Decongestant and Expectorant With Acetaminophen",
- "Guaiasorb DM",
- "Mucus D",
- "Koffex DM + Expectorant Extra Strength",
- "Buckley's Cough, Mucous & Phlegm",
- "Cheracol D Cough Formula 4oz",
- "Coactifed",
- "Texaclear Daytime Cough Cold/flu",
- "Maximum strength Tussnex FM DM Max",
- "Dimetane Expectorant-C Syr",
- "Brontuss SF-NR",
- "Tukol MAX ACTION Cold, Sore Throat and Cough",
- "LEADER Chest Congestion Relief PE",
- "Daytime Nitetime Cold and Flu",
- "CareOne Day Time Severe Cold Night Time Cold and Flu",
- "ConRX DayTime",
- "Guaifenesin (substance)",
- "Ultra Tuss",
- "Healthy Accents Daytime Nighttime Cold and Flu",
- "HealthMart Chest Congestion Relief",
- "Mucus Multi Symptom Cold Relief Childrens",
- "Nezger Tab",
- "Up and Up mucus relief",
- "Cold Terminator Max",
- "Expectorant Syrup Extra Strength",
- "Goyescas Broncovac 2 Cough and Cold",
- "Childrens Delsym Cough Plus Cold Day Time"
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